Read 23 times
2021-11-21 00:36

Stock Photos/sounds and royalty free pictures/audio

We artists needs references sometimes and I thought it could be great to have a whole list with sources that provides images/audio that are okay to use!

In case you know of other pages or sources with sound or images that are royalty free, leave a comment and I will update the list


Stock photos


Pexels -




Grizzlybear - A swedish site

New Old Stock - Vintage pictures that are free to use from old times

Gratisography - a bit of different pictures

FoodiesFeed - photos of food

This X Does Not Exist

Pages with images that are generated by AI's. All of these images are of objects or beings that does not exist in reality, they are completly made-up. These images are okay to use in art since no one owns them

"This Person Does Not Exist" - a page where human faces gets generated. Refresh the page for a new picture

"This Sneaker Does Not Exist" - a page where an AI randomly generates pictures of non-existing shoes

"This Beach Does Not Exist" - a page where an AI generates pictures of non-existing beaches

"This Nightsky Does Not Exist" - a page where an AI generates non-existing pictures of night skies. Refresh the page for a new picture.

"This Automobile Does Not Exist" - a page were the AI generates cars that does not exist. Refresh the page for a new picture

"This Vessel Does Not Exist" - a page where you can get AI generated vases, dresses and bugs. None of these things exists in reality. Chose category in the menu on top of the page.

"This Cat Does Not Exist" - page where an AI generates pictures of non-existent cats. Refresh the page for new picture


We have no resources with free audio at the moment. Please share any resource you know of and we will update this thread

Correlation does not equal causation.

Host of Dogs and Art Savvity

  • Edited by Tismon 2021-11-21 01:18
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